What harm does long-term wearing of in-ear headphones to listening to music do to your ears?

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  • Views:136
  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
There is no doubt that people love music. Many of us will install a music software on our mobile phones, and before smartphones began to appear, we already had MP3 players dedicated to listening to music. Many people like to listen to music very much, and put earphones in their ears every day. Some music enthusiasts are also very demanding in the choice of earphones. However, if we listen to music for a long time without reasonable protection, our ears will also be affected. , so we must always find ways to protect our ears and prevent them from being harmed!

What kind of harm does long-term wearing of in-ear headphones to listening to music do to your ears?

1. Ears are prone to inflammation
Always listen with headphones Song, if headphones are plugged into the ears for a long time, bacteria will easily develop in the ears, which can easily cause ear inflammation over time.

2. Hearing damage
If you often listen to music with headphones, the sound will be transmitted to the eardrum, and the eardrum will be in the process of vibrating for a long time. Over time, the eardrum will be easily injured, causing hearing loss.

3. Damage to the eardrum
If you often listen to music with headphones and play the sound very loudly, it is easy to damage the eardrum, and in severe cases, you may completely lose your hearing.

4. It is easy to ignore the friends around you
If you often listen to music with headphones and live in your own world, it is easy to ignore the friends around you and cause harm to your friends.

5. Trance
I often wear headphones to listen to music, and I am in a state where there is sound coming into my ears for a long time, and if the songs I listen to are relatively sad, it is easy to become depressed. My mental state is not good.

6. Danger prone

Many people often wear earphones to listen to music. Over time, they develop a habit and may also wear earphones to listen to music on the road. Listening to music on the road like this is the most dangerous, and it is easy to cause a car accident.

Our ears are very important to us. He enables us to hear some information that is beneficial or harmful to us in a timely manner, and it is precisely because of him that we can have an additional channel to understand nature. If we have a bad habit of listening to music, we will Our ears also begin to change.

Some people do not pay attention to the above points when listening to music, causing their ears to become sick when listening to music. If it has already appeared As for the symptoms of tinnitus, or that your hearing is not as good as before, it is best for you to go to the hospital to check whether there is anything wrong with your ears. In addition, if we mustAs for our ears, don’t use anything too sharp to hurt our ears. In addition to some Bluetooth headsets on the market, we can actually choose Furushima’s headphones. Such headphones don’t fit on the ears, and they are also special for listening to music. Not bad, you might as well try it.