Is ear discharge caused by otitis media?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Usually, common clinical ear discharge can be divided into external ear canal infection and middle ear infection according to the scope of the disease. Simple otitis externa refers to inflammation limited to the external auditory canal and does not involve the middle ear. There is a membranous structure deep in the human ear canal for self-protection, which is clinically called the tympanic membrane. The outside of the tympanic membrane is called the external ear, and the inner side includes important structures such as the middle ear and the inner ear.

Is ear discharge caused by otitis media?
Ear discharge is not necessarily caused by otitis media. If pus drains from the ear after a collision or trauma, it may be fluid accumulation after a skull base fracture caused by trauma, rather than pus from the ear caused by otitis media. If the periosteum of the middle ear is perforated, there will be fluid flowing out of the ear canal, which may be purulent or purulent. This may be ear pus discharge caused by inflammation of the middle ear. After ear discharge, you should go to the hospital for examination, diagnosis and symptomatic treatment in time, strengthen physical exercise, strengthen nutrition, eat more fruits and vegetables, and massage the external auditory canal.

                                                                                                                                  External ear canal infection It is blocked by the eardrum on the outside of the ear, that is, the external ear.
Bad habits lead to the destruction of the ear canal skin barrier and the formation of infection focus. With or without ear canal cerumen embolism (commonly known as: earwax), the ear canal will discharge pus, yellow liquid or white secretions, and the external auditory canal will discharge pus. Mainly include otitis externa and external auditory canal mycosis. These single-episode or easily recurring external ear canal infections, which do not affect the middle ear, often cause conductive hearing loss due to transient excess ear canal secretions, causing ear tightness and discomfort. After ear canal cleaning, Recovery is often possible with anti-inflammatory and other treatments.

Middle ear infection
Recurrent ear discharge related to the middle ear is a related disease that is very likely to cause deafness due to repeated discharge of pus. Once inflammation invades the middle ear, you need to pay more attention. Middle ear infection mainly refers to inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria entering the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, the bony gap of the middle ear mastoid, blood-borne, or traumatically infected tympanic membrane.
As an important structure for human hearing conduction, the middle ear contains the smallest bones of the human body, namely the malleus, incus and stapes.

Diseases causing middle ear pus mainly include two categories: purulentOtitis media and middle ear cholesteatoma. The former is clinically divided into acute suppurative otitis media and chronic suppurative otitis media based on the course of the disease with 6 weeks as the limit.

Acute suppurative otitis media--
After the tympanic membrane is perforated, fluctuating pus overflow may occur, and if it is not healed, it will develop into chronic suppurative otitis media. If patients develop earache, ear swelling, hearing loss, fever and other symptoms, they need to seek medical treatment promptly. Active and thorough treatment of acute suppurative otitis media is the most effective way to reduce and avoid the transformation of acute suppurative otitis media into chronic suppurative otitis media. If a perforation of the tympanic membrane occurs during the course of the disease, most of the perforation can heal on its own after the inflammation completely subsides. If the perforation does not heal for a long time after the pus stops flowing, surgical treatment is recommended.

Chronic suppurative otitis media--
It is very common in clinical practice and is characterized by long-term intermittent or continuous discharge of pus in the ear, perforation of the tympanic membrane and hearing loss. Pus discharge continues during the active phase, while there is no obvious pus discharge during the quiescent phase. In the active stage, the infection can often be controlled through anti-inflammatory treatment, but due to the lack of protection from the normal tympanic membrane, external bacteria can easily enter the middle ear through the external auditory canal, causing inflammation again. Repeated infection and repeated pus discharge may not only cause the scope of the tympanic membrane perforation to become larger and the middle ear to accumulate pus repeatedly, but inflammation can also cause mucosal hypertrophy and granulation tissue hyperplasia. The hyperplastic tissue can cause the ossicles to form adhesions and eventually lead to irreversible hearing loss. It is difficult to return to a healthy level after treatment. Therefore, in order to avoid aggravation of the condition, it is recommended to treat it promptly and perform surgery as soon as possible to remove middle ear lesions, reconstruct the sound transmission structure of the middle ear, and avoid repeated infections.

Middle ear cholesteatoma
Middle ear cholesteatoma is an abnormally proliferated cystic structure in the middle ear. The most common clinical manifestations are long-term intermittent ear discharge, foul-smelling pus and hearing loss. Cholesteatoma accompanied by pus discharge is often an acquired middle ear cholesteatoma accompanied by infection. This cystic structure can destroy the surrounding bone and eat bones! Do you understand? Cholesteatoma can not only cause ossicles Absorption may also cause skull base bone destruction and cause intracranial and extracranial complications, so early surgical intervention is required.

Therefore, people with ear discharge must go to the hospital for treatment. Professional doctors will judge the location and scope of the disease through relevant examinations and provide corresponding treatment plans.

Symptoms of otitis media
  When otitis media occurs, we will feel a stuffy feeling in our ears, and sometimes we can’t hear what people are saying. In fact, the appearance of this symptom usually means otitis media, and it often occurs in It may occur after a cold, or unknowingly. Sometimes hearing can be improved by changing the head position. There is self-hearing enhancement. Some patients have mild earache. Children often appear to be slow to obey or have difficulty concentrating.
1. Hearing loss: In daily life, the symptoms of otitis media will cause us a lot of trouble. I believe everyone knows that it will cause hearing loss and self-hearing enhancement. When the head is tilted forward or toward the healthy side, the hearing may be temporarily improved (displacement hearing improvement) because the fluid leaves the cochlea. When the effusion is thick, hearing may not change due to changes in head position. Children are often unresponsive to sounds, have difficulty concentrating, and have poor academic performance and are often brought to the doctor by their parents. If one ear is diseased and the hearing in the other ear is normal, the condition may go unnoticed for a long time and be discovered during a physical examination.
2. Earache: We also experience earache when otitis media occurs, but sometimes many people choose to ignore it. In acute cases, there may be dull earache, which is often the first symptom of the patient. , which can be persistent or throbbing. Chronic earache is not obvious. This disease is often accompanied by a feeling of obstruction or fullness in the ear, which can be temporarily relieved by pressing the tragus.

3. Tinnitus: mostly low-key and intermittent, such as "crackling" sounds, buzzing sounds, and running water sounds. When the head moves, yawns, or blows the nose, the sound of air passing through the ears may appear and sometimes reoccur intermittently.