What to do if hearing loss occurs suddenly What are the causes of hearing loss?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Most elderly people tend to have hearing loss, but young office workers may suddenly lose hearing in their daily lives. In daily life, we often hear some people say: "I slept all night last night, and when I woke up in the morning, I suddenly found that one ear was deaf." What causes this? In medicine, we define it as a sudden onset. Sexual deafness, referred to as sudden deafness.

What to do if hearing loss occurs suddenly? What are the causes of hearing loss?

What to do if hearing loss occurs suddenly

Vascular lesions play an important role in the pathogenesis of sudden deafness. Some people believe that vascular lesions account for 3/4 of the causes of sudden deafness. Degeneration of the sensory structures of the spiral organ occurs due to hypoxia caused by vasospasm, embolism, thrombosis, vascular compression, intravascular stenosis, hemorrhage, increased blood coagulability, fluctuations in arterial blood pressure, and other vascular disorders. Except for those with vasospasm, the prognosis for others is poor and often results in permanent deafness. The cochlea's oxygen resistance is very weak. The cochlear microphonic potential and nerve action potential disappear after 60 seconds of hypoxia. If the blood flow is blocked for 30 minutes, although the blood flow is restored, the cochlear potential cannot be restored.

Therefore, for patients with sudden deafness, detailed neurological examination should be performed to rule out internal auditory canal, cerebellopontine angle lesions, and vertebrobasilar circulation disorders, such as cervical spine and head MRI and head CTA. , neck and brain blood flow chart examination, thrombophilia.

Sudden deafness has a better prognosis than other neurological deafness. Within a week of the onset of symptoms is the golden period for treatment, so active treatment during this period can achieve good results, and the earlier the better.

Nowadays, sudden deafness is becoming more and more common and tends to be younger. Its main manifestations are sudden loss of hearing, significant hearing loss, and accompanied by tinnitus or dizziness. After the onset, you should Sudden deafness is treatable if you go to the hospital in time, and the best treatment period is within one month. If you go to the hospital within two or three days before the onset of the disease, more than 90% of the patients can recover.

Common causes of sudden deafness are as follows:

1. Excessive fatigue

2. Mental stimulation and psychological pressure

3 , dietary factors

4. Seasonal factors

5. High blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other factors
6. Age factors

How to treat sudden ear lobe
> Severe hearing loss and dizziness before treatment for sudden deafness are poor prognostic factors. Hearing recovery in children and the elderly is worse than in other age groups. The time when treatment starts also affects the prognosis. Generally, those who start treatment within 7 to 10 days have better results. Therefore, people who suffer from this condition should receive prompt treatment to avoid severe hearing loss.

What are the causes of hearing loss
1. Sound damage: Sound damage can lead to sensorineural hearing loss. Typically caused by sudden loud or prolonged exposure of the inner ear to high-frequency noise, this type of hearing loss is often the result of degeneration of the coccyx.
2. Noise-induced hearing loss: It is a kind of sensorineural hearing loss caused by long-term exposure to strong noise, mostly related to occupation. If the exposure time is short, the temporary increase in hearing threshold will be restored, and if the exposure time is long, permanent hearing loss will be caused.
3. Senile hearing loss: Hearing loss caused by age. It mostly manifests as high-frequency hearing loss.
4. Congenital hearing loss: Sensorineural hearing loss present at birth is divided into hereditary and non-hereditary causes. Non-hereditary sensorineural hearing loss is caused by the mother's infection with influenza, rubella virus, etc. during pregnancy. Congenital hearing loss usually has a bilateral flat or grooved curve.

5. Sudden hearing loss: caused by embolism, virus or round window rupture. Usually occurs in one ear. This kind of hearing loss is mostly permanent, and some people can recover without treatment

6. Dietary factors

7. Plum blossoms Nière's syndrome: manifests as tinnitus, nausea, vertigo, etc., accompanied by hearing loss.

How to prevent hearing lossDecline
First, we must prevent colds. Frequent colds cause dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, which can lead to hearing loss.
Second, it is very important to avoid exposure to noise as much as possible, especially long-term high-volume noise stimulation.
Third, drug poisoning should be avoided.

Fourth, you must live a regular life and avoid long-term sleep deprivation, excessive mental stress, and unstable mood swings, which can cause hearing damage.

Fifth, many chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc., can also cause hearing loss, and we must actively prevent it.