Will wearing hearing aids affect your hearing more and more?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
In developed European countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, the hearing aid fitting rate is as high as 40%, while the hearing aid fitting rate for elderly patients in my country is less than 5%. One of the reasons for such a low fitting rate is that people, especially the elderly, There are still misunderstandings about hearing aids. Many people think that after wearing hearing aids, the condition will become more and more serious.

Will wearing a hearing aid affect your hearing more and more? Under normal circumstances, deafness will not cause hearing loss as long as you choose a suitable hearing aid. However, for deafness caused by certain diseases, such as Meniere's syndrome, enlarged vestibular aqueduct, sudden deafness, etc., the hearing may fluctuate after wearing a hearing aid, but this is not the hearing aid that caused his hearing loss. It is the disease that has affected his hearing. Even if he does not wear a hearing aid, his hearing will fluctuate as the disease relapses.

As long as you choose the right hearing aid, you can protect your residual hearing. If your ears cannot hear, there will be no sound stimulation, and the cells will lose activity. After wearing the hearing aid, you will have the appropriate Sound stimulation makes cells more energetic.

Some hearing aids will indeed make you deaf the more you wear them, such as those hearing aids on a certain product that cost around 200 to 300 yuan or 1,000 yuan and do not require a fitting. However, depending on the condition of hearing loss, hearing aids professionally fitted by a formal hearing institution will not cause hearing loss.

The reasons why hearing aids become deafer the more you wear them, are mainly due to the following three points:

1 , Blindly wearing hearing aids without clarifying the type and cause of hearing loss.
Many people get hearing aids without even understanding the cause of their hearing loss. At this time, the hearing aid not only cannot solve the hearing problem well, but may also cause the effect of "the more you wear it, the more deaf you become."
Let’s first look at the classification of hearing loss: Generally speaking, hearing loss caused by problems in the outer ear and middle ear is called conductive hearing loss. Hearing loss in the inner ear is often sensorineural hearing loss. There are also some types of hearing loss that have both conductive and sensorineural problems, which we call mixed hearing loss.

* Conductive hearing loss generally requires medical treatment rather than optional hearing aids.
Conductive hearing loss is generally treated medically rather than by wearing hearing aids. For example:
1. Problems in the external auditory canal caused by trauma, etc. may require surgery.
2. If the earwax (cerumen) is too large and blocks the external auditory canal, you need to go to the hospital to have a professional doctor help you remove the excessive cerumen.
3. If the eardrum is perforated due to ear picking, you may need to go to the hospital for eardrum repair.
4. MediumOtitis media requires drug treatment.
5. If there is a conduction problem with the ossicles, surgery may be required to replace the ossicles.

If hearing loss is caused by these reasons, but is not treated in time, but chooses to wear a hearing aid. Naturally, it will make the wearing effect of the hearing aid worse, and it may also cause the hearing aid to become more deaf and continue to decline. We have taken earwax as an example. When the earwax problem is not solved, wearing a hearing aid is like wearing earplugs and then placing a large speaker next to your ear to increase the volume. The feeling can be imagined.

* For mixed hearing loss, conductive problems should be solved first before wearing hearing aids

Some hearing-impaired friends have mixed hearing loss. At this time, it is necessary to first solve the conductive hearing loss through medical means, and then solve the induced neural hearing loss by wearing a hearing aid.

* Sensorineural hearing loss requires correct fitting of appropriate hearing aids

The most important thing is that the damage to auditory hair cells is irreversible. Some diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, tinnitus and vertigo, ear diseases (such as otitis media, etc.), and ototoxic drugs (such as streptomycin, gentamicin, etc.) can cause continued hearing loss. Long-term exposure to excessive Loud noise can also cause damage to auditory hair cells, which is why if you do not perform a correct fitting or find a suitable hearing aid, it may cause further hearing loss. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a hearing aid that can be based on your personal hearing condition. Personally adjusted hearing aids with good noise reduction effects.

2. Failure to develop good ear use habits Habits
Some friends have not changed their original bad ear-using habits after wearing hearing aids. For example, they often turn up the volume to watch TV or listen to music; use cotton swabs to pick out their ears; Excessive time in the environment, etc. At this time, due to these wrong usage habits, further hearing loss will occur. This is like wearing myopia glasses because of myopia, but still lying down to read a book, or looking at a mobile phone or computer in a dark environment , which ultimately leads to further deepening of myopia.

3. When wearing a hearing aid, hearing continues to decline due to aging or other reasons
Some diseases will continue to cause hearing loss, such as: Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, tinnitus, vertigo, otitis media, etc. In addition, as the elderly grow older, their hearing organs will naturally degenerate, which is also a normal phenomenon of human aging. Hearing loss caused by these problems It is not directly related to whether to wear hearing aids.

Suggestions on whether to use hearing aids: find out the reasons, wear them as needed, and ensure quality.