How many decibels of deafness is considered severe?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Hearing disability grading standards refer to the criteria for assessing the degree of hearing loss in both ears. China is formulated by the National Disability Sample Survey Leading Group based on the deafness classification standards published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the World Deaf Games standards stipulated by the International Deaf Sports Organization. One of the standards for China’s National Sample Survey of Disabled People started on April 1, 1987.

How many decibels of deafness is considered severe?
At present, in clinical practice, it is customary to use the average hearing loss in dB at speech frequencies (500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz). It is generally believed that when the average hearing threshold at speech frequencies is above 26dB, it is called hearing loss or hearing impairment. Currently, deafness can be divided into 5 levels:
1. Mild deafness: There is no difficulty in hearing general conversations at close range, and the hearing threshold is 26 to 40dB.
2. Moderate deafness: Moderate deafness has difficulty listening at close range, with a hearing threshold of 41 to 55dB.
3. Moderate to severe deafness: Moderate to severe deafness has difficulty hearing loud speech at close range, with a hearing threshold of 56 to 70dB.
4. Severe deafness: Only when you shout loudly in the ear can you hear it. The hearing threshold is 71-91dB.
5. Total deafness: unable to hear loud shouting in the ear, pure tone hearing threshold exceeds 91dB.

It can be divided into three categories according to the location and nature of the disease. Conductive deafness: Deafness caused by lesions in the sound transmission mechanisms of the outer ear and middle ear, and obstacles in the transmission of sound waves into the inner ear, such as cerumen embolism, otitis media, etc. Sensorineural deafness: refers to cochlear spiral organ disease, which cannot convert sound waves into nerve excitement, or there is a disorder in the nerves and their central pathways, which prevents nerve excitement from being transmitted in; or central cerebral cortex lesions cannot distinguish language, collectively referred to as sensorineural deafness. Mixed deafness: There are lesions in both the sound transmission and sensor mechanisms.

Prevention of deafness

1. Pay attention to the prevention of congenital deafness, strengthen genetic research, and adopt eugenics measures.

2. Strengthen the health care of pregnant women to avoid viral infections, syphilis infections, and prevent the abuse of ototoxic antibiotics.

3. Control and treat various infectious diseases that may cause deafness, such as meningococcal meningitis, measles, mumps, typhoid, scarlet fever, malaria, etc.

4. Actively treat chronic catarrhal otitis media, chronic suppurative otitis media and other acquired ear diseases that may cause deafness.
5. Perform early surgical treatment of external auditory canal and middle ear malformations in deaf children to improve hearing and provide the necessary hearing for imitation and language learning.
6. Carry out hearing examinations for infants and preschool children in a planned manner to detect hearing defects early.