How to recover from poor hearing?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
A large number of experimental results at home and abroad show that senile hearing impairment is a disease involving multiple parts of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, auditory nerve, conduction pathways and cerebral cortex auditory area, among which the degeneration of the inner ear is the most obvious.

How to recover from poor hearing?
Our inner ear hair cells are different from cells in other parts of the body and cannot regenerate. Therefore, in addition to prevention and drug treatment, hearing aid selection is an effective means for hearing rehabilitation.

A person’s poor hearing depends on whether it is congenital or acquired. If it is congenital, it will definitely not taste good. If it is acquired, then you must learn to take care of your hearing. You must wear a hearing aid and do not go to noisy places. Because the sound is too loud, it will cause severe damage to your eardrums. Therefore, you need to wear a hearing aid to increase your hearing in order to keep your ears constantly stimulated by external sounds, which will facilitate recovery.

Wearing hearing aids can help with hearing rehabilitation and improve social communication skills. In fact, wearing hearing aids is the same as wearing glasses, which is a means to improve the quality of life. Senile hearing loss is difficult to cure through medication, and hearing rehabilitation intervention is an effective method. However, in our country, the proportion of elderly people with hearing impairment wearing hearing aids is relatively low. Many people have a prejudice against hearing aids and believe that wearing them is a symbol of aging. In fact, aging is a natural law. Wearing hearing aids is like wearing glasses, which helps the quality of life and interpersonal communication. People with visual impairments can receive more image and color signals by wearing glasses, and people with hearing impairments can receive more speech and music signals by wearing hearing aids. Both of these can increase social communication capabilities and improve the quality of life. Some people worry that wearing hearing aids will aggravate hearing loss. In fact, hearing aids that are properly selected and adjusted through formal channels will not aggravate hearing loss, but will protect the auditory nerve.

For people with poor hearing, it is more difficult to restore their hearing. In severe cases, you may not be able to hear the sound of cars honking their horns on the road, or hear the beautiful melody of songs. Life is like a tree root that has lost the nourishment of nutrients. Ears are our important organs. They bring external sounds to us. So, can hearing loss be recovered?

Hearing loss can be restored through appropriate measures and hearing aids. In medicine, hearing loss is generally referred to as deafness. Deafness does not mean that you cannot hear any sounds, but there are certain differences. For example, it can be divided into mild, moderate and severe, or even complete deafness. Medically, it can be divided into mild, moderate and severe conditions, as well as total deafness. Usually we divide deafness into three categories: acoustic deafness, sensorineural deafness and mixed deafness according to the location of the disease.

Sound transmission deafness refers to hearing loss caused by obstacles in the sound transmission transformer device, which affects the conduction of sound waves. The sound conduction of the human ear is mainly air conduction, so the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicular chain and other structures occurHearing loss caused by lesions is all sound transmission deafness. The lesions that can cause sound transmission deafness mainly include the following conditions:

⑴ Cerumen embolism: cerumen blocks the external auditory canal, hinders the conduction of sound, and causes hearing loss. decline.

⑵Tympanic membrane perforation: After the tympanic membrane is perforated, sound waves are transmitted into the deep part of the external auditory canal and energy leaks, resulting in hearing loss. It's like beating a broken drum, the sound will definitely not be as loud as a complete drum head.

⑶ Invagination of the tympanic membrane: mostly the result of abnormal Eustachian tube function. The invagination of the tympanic membrane increases the tension of the tympanic membrane, changes the resonance frequency with the sound wave, and affects the conduction of sound.

⑷Secretory otitis media: It is a non-suppurative inflammatory disease of the middle ear cavity. Due to the accumulation of fluid in the tympanic cavity, it affects sound conduction and causes hearing loss. It's like a drum filled with water, and the sound it makes is dull.

⑸Suppurative otitis media: Both acute and chronic suppurative otitis media can affect hearing. The main cause is obstruction of tympanic secretions or tympanic membrane perforation.

⑹ Interruption of the ossicular chain: middle ear trauma and concussion causing joint dislocation or otitis media corroding the ossicular chain, and tympanic ossicular chain adhesion and fixation after otitis media, resulting in reduced sound amplification effect and affecting hearing.

The noise in today’s life has a great impact on us, especially on the side of the road. The sound of a car honking the horn will always exceed 80 decibels. Trying to avoid and reduce noise interference is the first condition for protecting hearing. Secondly, maintaining a good psychological state will also protect our hearing. Massaging the acupuncture points behind the ears when you are free can increase blood circulation in the inner ear. To avoid serious damage to the ears, do not use hard objects to pick out the ears, as this can easily damage the ear canal and cause infection and inflammation. When the ear canal is itchy and unbearable, you can use a cotton swab dipped in a little alcohol.