How to prevent the occurrence of deafness?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Ears, like eyes, need careful care. The key to preventing deafness is to avoid hearing damage caused by various harmful factors. Hearing is very important in our daily lives. If we lose our hearing, it will have a great impact on our lives

How to prevent the occurrence of deafness? To prevent deafness, the following points should be avoided: 1. Drug-induced deafness caused by medication. Be very cautious and even ban drugs that are harmful to the auditory system, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, salicylic acid drugs, etc.
2. Heavy metal preparations. Long-term exposure to toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic can cause poisoning of the body's internal organs, anemia, fatigue, nausea, and deafness.
3. Excessive anxiety can lead to deafness. The number of teenagers suffering from sudden deafness has increased significantly, especially before and at the beginning of school. This is caused by students' anxiety in the process of adapting to the environment. Maintain a good mental state, actively participate in social activities, be optimistic, not impatient, and stabilize your emotions.
4. Avoid exposure to noise. Frequent wearing of headphones can induce deafness. A survey shows that 3% to 5% of patients are young people with ear damage caused by long-term use of Walkmans or frequent singing of karaoke. In addition, you must avoid exposure to noise, including noise in daily life and firecrackers, which can aggravate deafness.

5. Picking out the ears randomly can cause hearing damage.
6. Inflammation in the ear can cause deafness.
7. Develop good eating habits, and at the same time quit bad habits, such as tobacco and alcohol;

As you age, your hearing will gradually decline. There are more secretions in the ears, which can be caused by age factors, neurological diseases, otitis media, etc. You should eat a light diet, don't eat too greasy, don't use drugs indiscriminately before you are sure, and go to an otolaryngology department for a hearing test and otoscopy to confirm the diagnosis. Then treat according to the cause.

What are the treatment and rehabilitation methods for deafness?

(1) Drug treatment: earAfter the onset of deafness, drug treatments such as improving inner ear microcirculation and nourishing hair cells should be taken in the short term. Because the hair cells in the inner ear of sensorineural deafness are necrotic and fall off and cannot regenerate, medication is not a panacea. The longer the deafness lasts, the less likely it is to be cured. For example, medication can still be treated 1-3 weeks after sudden deafness, but if it exceeds 3 weeks, the effect will be poor.

(2) Hearing aids: So far the most practical and effective means of hearing compensation and rehabilitation for patients with sensorineural deafness or conductive deafness who have lost the opportunity for medicine and surgery.

(3) Electronic cochlear surgery: It is suitable for patients with severe deafness who are ineffective in wearing hearing aids. It is generally considered to be more effective for children under 5 years old and for adults with postlingual deafness. Good, but it is more expensive and its clinical application is limited.

(4) Hearing and language training:

Generally, after wearing a hearing aid, it does not mean that a new ear is installed. The user of the hearing aid also needs to have a brain to listen. The process of slowly relearning and exercising the central nervous system. Depending on the degree of visual deafness, age and other factors, a process of adaptation and training is required. The details are summarized as follows:

①Auditory training: Deaf patients are equipped with After wearing hearing aids, gradually cultivate their listening habits and improve their abilities in auditory awareness, auditory attention, auditory understanding and memory.

②Speech training: Train deaf children to vocalize, lip-read, understand and accumulate vocabulary, master grammatical rules, and express thoughts and feelings flexibly and accurately. Through the joint efforts of teachers and parents, deaf children can truly listen and speak, and be deaf but not dumb.