Can you eat seafood if you have tinnitus?

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  • Views:135
  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Tinnitus may be loud or small, and is usually a continuous long sound, such as the chirping of cicadas or the chirping of a telephone, but also sounds like running water, wind, machinery, etc. This has had a considerable impact on patients' lives and work.

Can I eat seafood if I have tinnitus?
People with tinnitus can eat some seafood appropriately. Dietary taboos during tinnitus treatment include avoiding greasy, spicy, and irritating foods, because such foods can easily cause environmental disturbance in the human body and aggravate tinnitus. You can usually eat more seafood, cereals, vegetables, nuts, soy products, dairy products, etc. to supplement trace elements. At the same time, maintain a regular lifestyle and stay away from various disease-causing factors.

There are many causes of tinnitus. The current explanation is that the nerves in the ear are damaged. The cause of the damage may be systemic diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and insufficient blood supply to the brain. etc., the local causes are middle ear inflammation, tympanic membrane perforation, external auditory canal inflammation and stimulation, local vascular diseases, hemangiomas, vascular malformations, etc.

Tinnitus is a common ear condition in daily life The symptom is an illusion occurring in the auditory system. Severe tinnitus can cause deafness, so it is very important to prevent and treat tinnitus. Scientific diet is an effective way to prevent and treat tinnitus. So, what foods are good for tinnitus patients?

1. Consume milk

Milk contains almost all the vitamins needed by humans. Including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E and carotene. In summer, milk contains particularly high levels of vitamins A, D, and B2. The absorption and utilization of these vitamins and calcium are very helpful in preventing and improving blood circulation and deafness symptoms.

2. Soy foods

Soybeans are a food with high iron content, and the contents of iron and zinc are higher than other foods. Much more. Soybeans also contain a large amount of calcium, which can supplement insufficient calcium metabolism in the cochlea and improve the symptoms of deafness and tinnitus. Supplementing iron to the human body can expand capillaries, soften red blood cells, ensure blood supply to the ears, and effectively prevent hearing loss.

3. Zinc-containing foods
Zinc deficiency is a cause of agingAn important cause of sexual deafness. Zinc is an extremely important one of the 14 trace elements necessary for the human body, so it is called the "life element". The content of zinc in the cochlea is much higher than in other organs. The zinc content in the cochlea of ​​elderly people over 60 years old is significantly reduced, which affects the function of the cochlea and leads to hearing loss.

Foods rich in zinc include fish, beef, pork liver, chicken, chicken liver, eggs, various seafood; apples, oranges, walnuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, etc.

4. Iron-containing foods
Iron deficiency in the body will reduce the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the ears, leading to hearing loss. Iron supplementation can effectively prevent and delay the occurrence of tinnitus and deafness in the elderly.

Seaweed, shrimp skin, jellyfish skin, black sesame seeds, day lily, black fungus, amaranth, spinach, fungus, soy products, etc. are all foods with high iron content. Seaweed contains the most iron among daily foods, containing 46.8 mg of iron per 100 grams. Drinking seaweed soup 2 to 3 times a week can ensure the iron content required by the human body. It would be better if you add an egg to the soup, because eggs are beneficial to the absorption of iron. Foods containing more iron include dried shrimps, jellyfish skin, black sesame seeds, day lily, etc. For people over 45 years old, the daily iron intake should be no less than 12 mg. The iron content of the above foods is more than 12 mg per 100 grams. Therefore, these iron-rich foods should be reasonably arranged in three meals a day. , it is very beneficial to prevent presbycusis and tinnitus.

5. Fish food

Patients with presbycusis can eat more fish food in their daily life, especially herring. Because herring is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it can free the gelatinous neutral fat and cholesterol from the blood vessel wall to avoid hyperlipidemia, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing and treating presbycusis.