I'm deaf and can't hear what others are saying. What's wrong with the pain in my ears?

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  • Source:Philips Hearing Aids
Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are tortured by noise that others cannot hear. Some people hear a high-pitched buzzing sound, while others may hear a whoosh, chirp, growl, boom, or a combination of several noises. Despite a lack of public awareness, deafness is a very common health problem. It is estimated that about 10-15% of the population is affected by deafness.

I am deaf and can’t hear other people’s words clearly. What’s wrong with the pain in my ears?

It is recommended that you go to the otolaryngology department for otoscopy and middle ear CT examination to determine whether it is complicated by mastoiditis? And rule out whether it is bone ulcer type and cholesteatoma type otitis media. Clear diagnosis and active treatment.

Ear pain is a common disease. The most common clinical disease is otitis media, which is an inflammatory disease involving all or part of the structure of the middle ear. Most of them are non-specific tissue inflammation, which manifests as intra-ear inflammation. Pain, fever, aversion to cold, bitter taste in mouth, red or yellow urine, constipation, hearing loss, etc. If the eardrum is perforated, pus will drain from the ear and the pain will be relieved.

These 10 habits are the most “ear-damaging”

1. Wearing headphones to listen to music when taking public transportation or When listening to music in a private car, the decibel level will be higher than when it is quiet because the volume needs to be adjusted to cover up the volume of the vehicle. Prolonged exposure to such conditions can easily damage hearing.

2. "Talk on the phone for a long time" Frequently answering the phone or answering the phone for a long time is a harmful way to lose hearing, and may also cause neurological deafness.

3. Use hard objects to pick out the ears. Some people are used to picking out the ears themselves, which can easily allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and increase the possibility of infection. Frequently picking your ears with hard objects can easily injure the ear canal and possibly damage the eardrum.

4. Often exposed to noisy environments. If the human body is exposed to noisy environments for a long time, the auditory nerve will be extremely excited for a long time, causing strain to the inner ear hair cells and triggering central hearing loss. The system structure and function change, hearing disorders occur, and then hearing loss problems such as tinnitus and noise-induced deafness occur.

5. Excessive physical fatigue and excessive stress. The ears are the most sensitive organs. When emotions are highly stressful, blood vessels constrict.Shrinkage leads to ischemia and hypoxia, and deafness occurs. Sudden deafness now mostly affects young people aged 25 to 40, and it is mainly related to young people’s excessive mental stress and irregular life schedules.

6. Don’t pay attention to swallowing while flying. When taking off or landing, many people will feel stuffy and painful in their ears, swollen eardrums, softer sounds, and dizziness. and other symptoms. This is due to the excessive pressure difference between the inner and outer tympanum caused by the rapid descent of the aircraft from a high altitude, which can be called ear barotrauma or aviation otitis media.

7. Abuse of antibiotics Drug-induced deafness caused by the abuse of antibiotics is more common in children. Some antibiotics, such as the common neomycin and gentamicin, can control the infection well, but they may also cause side effects of damaging the brain nerves and causing deafness.

8. Not paying attention to checking your ears before and after swimming. There are many ear diseases caused by water entering the ear canal and choking on water during swimming. The main ones are acute suppurative otitis media and otitis externa. Children are at high risk for such diseases. Common symptoms are ear discomfort, ear swelling, pain, hearing loss, pus discharge, etc.

9. Blowing or sniffing the nose forcefully. Blowing or blowing the nose forcefully can easily lead to secretory otitis media or cholesteatoma-type suppurative otitis media. Some people even blow their noses hard until their ears hurt. The nasal mucus flows from the airway to other places, directly changing the pressure in the ears. Some of the nasal mucus may be squeezed into the sinuses, causing sinusitis, or the nasal mucus may be squeezed into tears. The tube can cause conjunctival infection, or even squeeze into the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media.

10. Ignore colds, rhinitis, and pharyngitis. Sinusitis, rhinitis, and pharyngitis should not be underestimated. They can spread to form secretory otitis media. Other otitis media will discharge pus, but secretory otitis media does not discharge pus, so it is easy to be ignored.